More than 350 dead since April, for rebellion in Nicaragua against Daniel Ortega


What began as a simple student demonstration gained national importance as different guilds began to support protesters and express their dissatisfaction with the government of Daniel Ortega

In Nicaragua, the people is revolted against President Daniel Ortega and since last April, he has asked for his resignation

It all began with a reform of the pension system. Since then, an unprecedented social explosion has erupted since the triumph of the Sandinista Revolution in 1979. However, this is only one of the many problems that the country of Central America has experienced. up to now on the brink of crisis.

The chaos and the violence seize Nicaragua since the administration Daniel Ortega announced a set of reforms of the social security system. Marches, barricades, clashes with police and attacks on official facilities reflected Nicaragua's great disagreement, while strong state repression raised tension across the country to a maximum [19659003] against President Ortega, in which 350 people have already died they serve three months without the situation in the country is in the process of normalization.

Here is a list of the main dates of this explosion of social resistance:

  • April 18: the protests begin after the coming into force of the reforms of the regulation of the Social Security Act, which increase the quota of the employer and labor in addition to establishing the perpetual quote.
  • April 23: Daniel Ortega repeals the reforms, but the protests persist . The demonstrations are recorded in Managua and in other cities
  • April 24: The Catholic Church agrees to be mediator and to testify in the negotiation of the crisis.
  • May 7: Students barricade themselves in the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN-Managua) and call for social justice
  • May 16: Dialogue begins at the Seminary in Managua, with Ortega and his wife and vice-president, Rosario Murillo as well as representatives of students and civil society and the private sector.
  • May 23: indefinitely suspends the national dialogue table for obvious disagreements.
  • May 30: The OAS and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights intervene. Together with the government, they form a group to investigate acts of violence
  • May 30 and 31: Mass demonstrations that cause 11 dead and more than 200 wounded.
  • June 15: The national dialogue resumes and is suspended three days later
  • June 18. the population of Masaya, 28 kilometers from Managua, is declared "free territory of the dictator" referring to President Ortega. Masaya remains besieged by pro-government forces.
  • June 25: The dialogue with the presence of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights resumed.
  • 7 of July: during two days they develop Violent clashes between the sectors of the population and the governmental forces in the cities of Jinotepe and Diriamba, with 11 died
  • 9 of July: the working tables of the dialogue are suspended for the aggressions undergone by the bishops in the basilica of San Sebastián in the city of Diriamba
  • 12 of July: big demonstrations are registered in Managua and d & Other cities demanding the resignation of Ortega in the first of three days of protests convened
  • July 13: a group of Sandinistas leave in caravan from Managua to Masaya as part of the celebration of " withdrawal". A strong fight and shot occur. Two people die
  • July 15: The call "Cleaning operation" of the combined government forces against five cities of the Pacific coast including Masaya, Diriá and Catarina, is organized . There are at least two deaths
  • 16 July: a dozen of Latin American countries express their concern about the conflict in Nicaragua.
  • July 17: Government forces isolate the town of Masaya and launch strong attack against its native district of Monimbó.
  • July 18: three months of protests. The OAS plans to hold an extraordinary session on the crisis

According to the Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (1945-19005) (Cenidh), the revolts have left more than 350 dead and at least a hundred shots. Most of the dead were shot in the head and chest.

The violent response of the Ortega government made the world look in Nicaragua. Pope Francis, the European Union, the United States and Mexico called for calm and expressed dismay at the levels of violence that the protests have gained.

United States ] ordered this week the cessation of operations of his embassy in Managua and the retirement of a large part of his staff and their families from the country of 39, Central America.

What began as a simple student demonstration when different guilds began supporting the protesters and expressing their dissatisfaction with the government Daniel Ortega

The President tried to calm down Sunday by announcing the repeal of the reform. "We revoke, or cancel, and put aside the previous resolution that triggered this situation to begin," Ortega said in a presidential address.

However, his efforts proved futile because both Higher Council of Private Enterprise (Cosep), one of his great allies during his 11 years of power, while the students who initiated the protests called for new marches and announced that the movement will continue. 19659003] (NTMX).

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