More than 50% of deaths from influenza in Yucatan


More punished southeast

The states most affected by the flu in the 2018 season are Yucatan, Quintana Roo, Campeche, Veracruz and Tabasco, which together account for 82.2 percent of confirmed cases.

According to the latest report of the General Directorate of Epidemiology (DGE) of the Federal Health Secretariat on influenza, corresponding to week 29, in Yucatan, more than half of the country's deaths during the season interstate: twelve, out of a total of 22.

The General Directorate of Epidemiology defines as "Interstate flu season" the length of the epidemiological week 21 to 39 – from the penultimate week from May to the end of September, about-, in which it is assumed that there is a low viral circulation of influenza and other viruses that affect the respiratory system.

As indicated above, 22 deaths were reported, 19 due to a direct relationship with the type AH1N1 and three due to type B.

Of the five states most affected by the virus, Yucatán appears in the first lines: more confirmed cases – 170 according to the information, higher incidence, more diagnosis growth and more deaths.

In its recent report, the DGE also cites the following data:

-In inter-state season 2018, the age group with the greatest number of influenza cases is 40 to 49 years of age . In the interstate season there is a circulation of influenza AH1N1 (81%), B (14)%, A (4%) and AH3N2 (1

– The entity with the highest number of deaths Yucatan (54.5%, with the 12 already mentioned), followed by Quintana Roo (13.6%), Sinaloa (9.1%), Durango (4.5%), Mexico City (4%) , 5%), Veracruz (4.5%) and Tabasco (4.5%).

The Institute for Diagnosis and Epidemiological Reference (Indre) has not identified mutations related to changes antigens which affect the virulence or pathogenicity of the influenza virus

– Up to the week of the report, 11 052 cases of pneumonia and bronchopneumonia The national total of acute respiratory infections (ARI) Student at two million 578 thousand 239.

Other information

In another report, published every Monday by the National System of Epidemiological Surveillance (Sinave), 187 Confirmation of influenza cases up to u "at week 28, that is, one before which the specific report of the DGE on influenza cites. The difference between the two reports is 17 cases.

Of the 187 diagnoses that Sinave records, 77 are from the last week, that is from July 8 to 14. It's the period with the most records so far this year.

Quintana Roo remains in second place with 106 confirmed cases, 41 of them within seven days of the official report.

Well away, Campeche is in third place in the list of states with the most flu diagnoses in the last week, with eight.

With its population size, Mexico is at the top of the list of cases, with 577. In the week of the report it has only a positive case record

Respiratory discomfort

In Yucatan, 319,641 acute respiratory infections have been reported, 10,000 more than at the same time in 2017. Of this number, 15,464 corresponded to the seven days of Sinave's last report. .- ÁNGEL NOH ESTRADA

More Alerts Two Woes

Although this is no longer mentioned much, chickenpox continues to spread in the Yucatan.

More than 2,600 patients

up to the first week of ju 2,690 cases of chickenpox were diagnosed in the public health facilities of the entity.

Annual increase

In 2017, in a similar period, the National System of Epidemiological Surveillance received a report of 2,076 cases. The difference with this year is more than 600 diagnoses


According to statistics, no conjunctivitis can lower the guard. So far this year 11 290 patients with this disease have been diagnosed in the state, 360 are from last week.

Less than 2017, but …

On the same dates of 2017, the record of 14,305 was recorded. case of conjunctivitis in Yucatan.

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