More than 500 people arrested to protest against immigration policy


Washington – Capitol police arrested nearly 600 people yesterday during a rally in a Senate building attended by hundreds of women protesting the treatment of migrant families by President Donald's government Trump.

Among the protesters was a Democratic Democrat from Washington State who posted a video on his Twitter account

Other groups also protested in various US cities against the political Trump's government immigration of separating migrant families, which could be a glimpse of what could happen Saturday, as protests are expected to take place across the country.

After seeing daily images of anxious migrant children who were separated from His parents, who were imprisoned in fenced enclosures, were sitting on the floor of the Hart Building Senate courtyard. Around the metal sculpture of Alexander Calder's "Mountain and Clouds", women shouted slogans and applauded lawmakers who greeted the crowd.

"What do we want from free families!" and "This is what democracy looks like" were some of the expressions they used.

Many had thermal blankets similar to those given by US authorities to migrant children housed in federal government facilities.

which lasted more than two hours, was organized by two liberal groups: the Women's March and the Center for Popular Democracy.

In a statement, the Capitol police reported that 575 people were accused of organizing a protest. illegally inside an office building. Police said detainees would be released after being prosecuted.

Representative Pramila Jayapal stated that she was arrested during the protest. Jayapal, born in India, tweeted a video where she said she was proud to have been detained for protesting against the "zero tolerance" policy of the Trump government.

"We are here to fight for our families to be free and to be able to reunite children with their parents, not in cages, not in jail, but to live their lives safely and securely ", he said.

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