More than 68 million pesos a month, Banxico pays its pensions


CITY OF MEXICO.- The Bank of Mexico (Banxico) disburses approximately 68 million 825 thousand pesos a year in special pensions for retirement to economists, actuaries, lawyers and other former employees, among which is the former president Ernesto Zedillo, reported Político MX

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According to a survey of El Sol de México, Zedillo Ponce de Leon has a special pension of 102 thousand 323 pesos because he was working in Banxico

He is the one who exploited the economic crisis of 1994, and he is also one of the 881 Mexicans who enjoys a special pension at the Central Bank

The President of the Bank of Mexico also pays a thousand of 734 people for a retreat ; to another 548 Mexicans it gives a pension for the widowhood and to 20 more people for the widowhood and the orphanage . In a total of about three thousand 291 retirees.

The pension of former governors of Banco de México as Guillermo Ortiz is 227 077 pesos; while that of Agustín Cartens Cartens, which was until November 30, 2017 at the head of the central bank, reaches 112 thousand 662 pesos a month.

"It is good to recognize the duties and responsibilities performed by the officials of the Bank of Mexico, but there must be an analysis where there is proportionality and the economic aspect "is not jeopardized," says Andrés Rodríguez, partner of the Santamarina y Steta Workspace. Public entities and decentralized agencies must analyze the possibility of granting these pensions to their former employees, adds Rodríguez, who has worked and defended labor issues in Mexico for more than 25 years.

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