More than 80,000 animals will be vaccinated during the second cycle against foot-and-mouth disease La Crónica del Quindío


The days will begin on October 29th and will continue until December 12th.

Quindío is ready to begin the second cycle of vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease and bovine brucellosis that will be conducted throughout the country. from October 29th to December 12th. We expect the ministry to arrive with the more than 80,000 cattle and buffaloes.

This is a strategy that is being implemented in the region between the National Milk Account, the Colombian Institute of Agriculture, ICA, Ministry of Agriculture, Trust Company of Agrarian Development, Fiduagraria, and Quindío Breeders Committee.

"The idea is that farmers vaccinate, with exception, all farms that have cattle and buffaloes and that we can have 100% coverage.We completed the last cycle with about 82,000 immunized animals, we we are expecting a similar figure, and these censuses may vary because some farms may change agricultural activity, "said Jorge Ómar Tejada, Executive Director of the Quindío Breeders Committee.

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Tejada said: "We also recommend that farmers implement a fiber vaccination system for vesicular stomatitis similar to foot-and-mouth disease, differentiated only in the laboratory."

The Minister of Agriculture, Andrés Valencia, and the Director General of the ICA, Deyanira Barrero has invited farmers throughout the country to facilitate the implementation of vaccination days for all their animals, as an effective measure to prevent FMD and bovine brucellosis.

"With this joint work, we seek to ensure, efficiently and quickly, the restoration of health status throughout the country."

According to the recommendations of local entities for the day, vaccinate all livestock, vaccinate and identify females from 3 to 8 months against brucellosis and record vaccination against ACI.

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Two outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease in the country

The Executive Director of the Quindío Breeders Committee told CHRONICLE that the foot-and-mouth disease virus circulates in the country.

"The source is made up of Venezuelan animals who fraudulently enter Colombia and are infected with the virus.They have pitifully presented two blisters, one in Sogamoso, Boyacá, and the other in San Diego, Cesar. "

He warned that one had to be very alert because that is how it started last year., when the focus was on Tame, Arauca, a municipality remote from central Colombia and having reached the Magdalena Medio.

"It's an easy-to-spread virus that spreads very fast," said Tejada.

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Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of foot-and-mouth disease include signs such as blisters in the oral cavity, tongue, palate, gums, nipples, hooves, excessive drooling and fever. Later, the blisters burst and become sores.

"It is very important that farmers report the appearance of any symptoms to the AIT, Umata, the Secretary of Agriculture or the Breeders Committee to carry out the procedure, go to the field, take samples from the laboratory. and confirm or deny the presence of foot-and-mouth disease.This disease does not affect human health, there is no problem with the consumption of milk or meat, "said Tejada.

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He added that it is important to ensure that all items that enter the premises are disinfected: vehicles, work clothes, milk cans, butchery utensils, because they can carry the virus. It is also important to ensure that animals have the mobilization guide.


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