More training for civil servants in the treatment of people with AIDS


There is a need for public officials at all levels to receive greater training in the treatment of people with HIV / AIDS.

Carlos Llamas Gmez, leader of juvenile defendants, said that in order to advance the issue of non-discrimination, it is necessary for people with the virus to be treated with dignity.

There remains a cause of stigma and discrimination that people suffer from this disease or have been diagnosed with the virus, although it seems that a lot of prejudices have been defeated, we are still with certain situations [19659002] Llamas Gmez announced that he filed a complaint with the Human Rights Commission of the state of Coahuila to comply with the instruction of this type, after the suicide occurred during the municipal separations , from a person diagnosed with HIV

He said that the Commission did not immediately accept the complaint because there is no direct responsibility of the municipal authority , although indag

There is an urgent need to train civil servants on issues such as sexual diversity, HIV carriers and human rights.

Indicated that, in an attempt to protect this person, they decided not to put her in shared cells, although living with HIV should not be a reason for isolation or segregation. They are also entitled to the confidentiality of their diagnosis.

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