Morena advances in six of the nine gubernaturas


Voting trends as of July 1 indicate that the Morena-led coalitions exceed six of the nine governorates: CDMX, Morelos, Puebla, Tabasco, Chiapas and Veracruz.

Mexico's Quick Account gave Claudia Sheinbaum an advantage with a range of 46.6% and 47.7%; Meanwhile, Alejandra Barrales recorded between 30.4% and 31.2%



Local public election organization of the State of Veracruz reported that: [19659002] • Cuitláhuac García Jimenez, Coalition Together We'll Make History: 43.9% and 45.9% of votes

• Miguel Ángel Yunes Márquez, coalition candidate Por Veracruz al Frente: 37% to 38.7% of the vote

• José Yunes, coalition candidate Por a better Veracruz: 13.3% and 14.5% of the votes

• Miriam Judith González Sheridan, New Alliance: 0.9% and 1% of the votes [19659002] PUEBLA

The Electoral Institute of the State reported that:

• Martha Erika Alonso Hidalgo, candidate of the coalition "Por Puebla al Frente" (PAN, PRD , MC, PSI and CPP): 36.4% and 38.9%.

• Luis Miguel Barbosa Huerta, candidate of the coalition "Together we will make history" (Morena, PT and PES): 33.9% and 36.8%.

• Enrique Doger Gu errero, PRI candidate: 16.8% and 18.8%.

• Michel Chaín Carrillo, flag bearer of the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM): 4.9% and 5.5%.

* The Electoral Institute of Puebla informs that fast was applied with 73.1% of the original sample; of the 509 boxes that would be counted initially, only 372 were received to show these results.


The President of the Morelense Institute of Electoral Processes and Citizen Participation (Impepac), Isabel León Trueba, reported that:

• Cuauhtémoc Blanco, Morena candidate , PT and Social Encounters: 51% and 53.8%.

• Víctor Caballero, Second, National Action Party (PAN) and Citizen Movement candidate: 13.4% and 16.1%

• Rodrigo Gayosso, candidate of the Juntos por Morelos coalition (PRD and PSD): 10.2% and 12.1%.

• Jorge Meade Ocaranza, candidate of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI): 5.6% and 7%

• Nadia Luz Lara Chávez, candidate of the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM): 3.3% and 4% %.

Alejandro Vera Jiménez, New Alliance candidate: 2.2% and 2.7%. 19659002] • Fidel Demedicis Hidalgo, independent candidate: 3.8% and 4.9%

• Mario Rojas Alba, candidate of the Humanist Party: reaches a percentage between 1.2% and 2%

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The Institute of Elections and Citizen Participation Chiapas a reported that:

• Rutilio Cruz Escandón, coalition candidate Together we will make history: 40.2% and 44.2%

• Roberto Albores, PRI candidate and Panal: 17.7 % and 20.8%.

• Fernando Castellanos, Green Party candidate: 19.1% and 22.6%.

• Antonio Bodegas, candidate of the Chiapas coalition at the front: 8% and 10.1%


• Adán Augusto López, candidate of the Juntos Haremos Historia coalition: 62 , 1% and 64.3%.

• Gerardo Guadiano, candidate for Tabasco at the front: 16.8% and 18.4%.

• Georgina Trujillo, PRI candidate: 11.5% and 12.7%.


The Electoral Institute of the State of Guanajuato reported that:

• Diego Sinhué Rodríguez Vallejo, from the Guanajuato coalition to the Front: 49.5% and 51.5%

• Ricardo Sheffield, coalition candidate Together we will make history: 23.2% and 25.2%.

• Gerardo Sánchez García, PRI candidate: 11.5% and 12.9%.

• Felipe Arturo Camarena, candidate of the PVEM: 6.2% and 7.2%. [19659002] • Bertha Solórzano, candidate of the New Alliance: 2,6% and 3,5%


The Institute of Electoral and Citizen Participation of Yucatan reports that:

• Mauricio Vila Dosal, PAN and Movimiento Ciudadano candidate: 38% and 40.8%

• Mauricio Sahuí Rivero, PRI candidate, PVEM and Nueva Alianza: 34% and 36.5%.

• Joaquín Díaz Mena, candidate for Morena, PT and Encuentro Social: 20.1% and 23.2%.

• Jorge Zavala Castro, candidate of the PRD: 1.3% and 2.3%.


The Electoral Institute of Jalisco reported that:

• Enrique Alfaro, candidate of Movimiento Ciudadano: 37.7% and 40%.

• Carlos Lomelí Bolaños, PT candidate, Morena, PSE: 23% and 25.3%.

• Miguel Castro Reynoso, PRI candidate: 16.1% and 17.6%.

Miguel Ángel Martínez Espinosa, PAN candidate: 10.5% and 12%.

• Salvador Cosio Gaona, PVEM candidate: 2.4% and 3.3%

• Martha Rosa Araiza Soltero, candidate PANAL: 1.7% to 2.2%

• Carlos anule Orozco Santillán, PRD candidate: 0.8% to 1.2%. [19659002] WE RECOMMEND:

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