Morena also destroys Guerrero


Chilpancingo.- In Guerrero, Morena swept away: Andrés Manuel López Obrador got 63.3 percent of the vote, while his party won eight of the nine federal deputies, both senators and, will the majority in The State Congress: triumphed in 18 of the 28 local districts.

In addition, he won 13 town halls, including the crown of the jewel: Acapulco.

Until 5 pm on Monday, the Preliminary election results (PREP) of the National Electoral Institute (INE), gave López Obrador 797 thousand 742 votes ; while the PRI candidate, Jose Antonio Meade Kuribreñas 223 thousand 920 votes and the flag-bearer of Mexico to the Front (PRD, PAN and MC), Ricardo Anaya 166 thousand 963.

Guerrero for lopezobradorismo has always been one of his main strongholds, in this election was no exception.

In the election to federal MPs, Morena in alliance with the PES and PT won eight of the nine constituencies, they only lost District 06, which is based in Chilapa. In this demarcation won the coalition candidate between the PRD, PAN and MC

At the election in the Senate of the Republic, won the formula of the former PRD and former mayor. Acapulco, the controversial, Felix Salgado Macedonio and the former commander of the community police of Olinalá, Nestora Salgado García

As the second minority, the third senator of Guerrero will be the PRI, Manuel Añorve Baños

In local elections, according to the PREP of the Electoral Institute Citizenship and Civic Participation, Morena wins in 18 of the 28 local constituencies. He has an advantage in the seven of them located in Acapulco, which places him in the majority in the next term.

The PRI wins in six, while the PRD coalition, PAN and MC in four.

In Morena town halls it outweighs 13, including three of the seven major cities: Acapulco, Iguala and Tlapa

In the case of Acapulco, the most economically and politically important municipality of Guerrero, Morena accounts for 92% of the total. unattainable advantage: his candidate, the magistrate of the Superior Court of Justice of Guerrero with license, Adela Román Ocampo, obtained 138 thousand 397 votes, leaving in a distant second place the standard-bearer of the PRI, Ricardo Taja Ramírez, with 72 thousand votes . [19659002] In Chilpancingo, the capital, Morena was in second place, just behind the Front Guerrero candidate, Antonio Gaspar, who will become the first mayor not to emerge from the PRI


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