Morena files 8 complaints for anomalies on election day: César Cravioto


MEXICO (APR) .- Before the closing of the polls, the Juntos Haremos Historia coalition in Mexico filed eight complaints to FEPADE for anomalies recorded on polling day, said spokesman César Cravioto Romero . [19659002Lorsd'uneconférencedepressevisantàéquilibrerlasituationavantlafinduscrutinCraviotoRomeroasignaléquesuiteauxplaintesdéposéescedimanche250plaintesontétédéposéesauprèsduprocureurspécialiséparlacoalitionMorena-PT-PESdanscettecapitalelespré-campagnesjusqu'àcedimanche[19659002] In the name of & # 39; Alliance, which grows Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo to management, the spokesman said it was "incredible" that a few hours after closing the boxes, 113 they will report openly and that the delay in installation would be widespread, which "speaks of a problem of organization of the Electoral Institute of Mexico (IECM). "

Cravioto Romero destac or that, while "in the report of the states of INE as complicated as Tamaulipas have a ratio of 100% of the squares installed, in Mexico it is 98%, a situation that is not Was not produced in the last three elections at the head of government. "

Regarding the anomalies, the coordinator of Morena deputies in the Federal District Legislative Assembly noted that the delegations with the highest ratios are: Cuajimalpa, Venustiano Carranza, Gustavo A. Madero, Coyoacan and Milpa Alta

Vote of thousand 500 pesos

In these districts what prevailed during the day was "the purchase of the vote, the pressure on the territory and the use of resources of provenance that we do not know affect the voters ", accused the morenista

According to a list of complaints, the vote was quoted between 200 pesos in the Gustavo A. Madero and up to 1500 dan s Iztapalapa, while in Milpa Alta there were cases of citizens who were beaten According to data from the platform, 70 complaints were received which, according to Cravioto Romero, "are processed for prosecute them, so that they do not go unpunished ".

He then celebrated that during the first hours of polling day, there was a high level of citizen participation, which "is a good sign, which indicates that the inhabitants of the area The city has decided to vote overwhelmingly and, before the vote buying, the use of the machinery of government and the desired violence in some areas, there is no better antidote than people go massively vote. "

During the press conference, a report was also made on the inhibition of the purchase and coercion of the vote in the delegations of Coyoacán and Venustiano Carranza, thanks to the presence of the press. international observers who went to places where there were nuncias on this crime and, during the presentation, the irregular activity was suspended.

Similarly, Tania Enríquez of the platform juegalimpio. mx, pointed out that most of the complaints of the citizens presented concern the purchase of extortion

Alfonso Suárez del Real, coordinator of the campaign Sheinbaum Pardo, said that if the coalition has received several complaints, the lorry IECM reported only six cases, the most serious being the theft of ballots in Iztapalapa .fbAsyncInit = function () {
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