Morena presents itself as winner of 5 gubernaturas; PAN and MC will stay with Guanajuato and Jalisco: Mitofsky for Televisa


In five of nine entities where the governor and the head of government are elected, the collation together we make history integrated by political parties Morena, Labor Party (PT) and Social Encounter (PES)) is at the top of election preferences, noted Noticiero Televisa on the basis of exit polls from Consulta Mitofsky.

According to Mitofsky polls, with regard to the election of head of government of Mexico City candidate Claudia Sheinbaum (Morena, PT and Social Encounter), is leading with a percentage of 47.5% to 55.5% . Alejandra Barrales (PAN-PRD-Movimiento Ciudadano) is in second place with 27.0% to 33.0% . In third place is Mikel Arriola (PRI) with 10.1% to 16.1% .

Regarding the states of Veracruz, Tabasco, Morelos and Chiapas also the coalition Together We will do that history would precede the preference of voters, always agreeing with Mitofsky [19659002] In Guanajuato the Por Guanajuato coalition at the Front, integrated by the PAN, PRD and Movimiento Ciudadano, postulated Diego Sinhué Rodríguez, would have a great advantage

Governor Rank Name [19659006] correspondences
Tabasco From 61.7% to 69.7% Adrián Augusto López Morena-PT-PES
Morelos From 47.7% to 55.7% Cuauhtemoc Blanco Morena-PT-PES
Head of Government of CDMX From 47.5% to 55.5% Claudia Sheinbaum Morena-PT-PES
Veracruz From 46.9% to 54.1% Cuitláhuac García Mo rena-PT-PES
Chiapas From 43.7% to 51.7% Ruti Escandón Morena-PT-PES
Guanajuato From 40.6% to 48.6% Diego Sinhue Rodriguez PAN-PRD-Movimiento Ciudadano
Source: Consulta Mitofsky on Televisa

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