Morena, the first political force in Chiapas


TUXTLA GUTIERREZ.- With 86.8% progress in the Program of Preliminary Results (PREP), Morena and his allies managed to position themselves as the first political force of Chiapas reach 41.5 percent of the total votes up to now calculated.

The triumph of this party and the fall of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) can be measured in the results of San Juan Chamula, formerly a bastion of the tricolor and a symbol of the power of that party in indigenous areas. In San Juan Chamula won the candidate of Morena Ponciano Gómez Gómez.

The most important triumph is that of the governor candidate Rutilio Escandón Cadena, who adds 39.8 percent of the votes; while the candidate of the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM), Fernando Castellanos Cal y Mayor, barely managed to get 21.8%, followed by the PRI, with 20.2%.

In the municipal presidencies, Morena went from one to 28; the second strength would be the PVEM, which leads up to now in 27 town halls. It is followed by the PRI as the third political force with 17 municipalities.

Two games that stand out are the local Chiapas Unido and Mover Chiapas, having obtained 12 municipal presidencies each. They are followed by the PRD with 7, and finally PAN, Nueva Alianza and Movimiento Ciudadano, with two each. The result is still missing from 13 municipalities.

In the local Congress, Morena, Social Encounter and the Trabjo Party take the lead as the first political force, winning 14 of the 24 deputies; the other 10 were obtained by those who fought in the PRI-PVEM alliance.

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