Morena wins 13 town halls of Guerrero; stand out Acapulco and Iguala – Bajo Palabra


Guerrero .- The Morena party in Guerrero, with the Party of Social Encounters (PES), won 13 town halls in Guerrero during the electoral process, among them Iguala and Acapulco, which are among the most important municipalities in Guerrero. Guerrero

In addition, Morena obtained the town halls of three of the poorest municipalities of Guerrero: Tlapa de Comonfort; Metlatónoc, considered one of the poorest municipalities in Latin America and Atlamajalcingo del Monte, all located in the mountain of Guerrero

The municipalities where Morena won only without coalition, were: Buenavista de Cuellar , Cuetzala del Progreso, Malinaltepec, Tlapa De Comonfort and Metlatónoc

As, the municipalities that got in coalition with the PES, are: Acapulco, Atlamajalcing, Azoyú, Cuajinicuilapa, Iguala, Juan R. Escudero, Xochistlahuaca and Zirándaro .

The Electoral Institute of Citizen Participation (IEPC), the coalition "Por Guerrero Al Frente" (PRD, PAN, MC), is the one that reached the highest number of mayor's offices with 20. [19659003Themunicipalitiesare:AtoyacBenitoJuárezChilpancingoCochoapaelGrandeEduardoNeriFlorencioVillarealHuamuxtitlanIliatencoTheUnionPetatlanPilcayaQuechultenangoSanMarcosSanMiguelTotolapanTaxcoTecpanTetipacTixtlaTlapehualaandZitlala

In the municipalities where they did not form a coalition, the PRD won 5 town halls: Atlixtac, Copala, Coyuca de Catalan, Ixcateopan and Apango. In addition, the PRD-PAN alliance has won in the municipalities of Copala and Teloloapan; and the PRD-MC obtained the town hall of Tlacoachistlahuaca.

For its part, the Labor Party, which in Guerrero did not form a coalition with Morena, won in five municipalities: Alcozauca, Atenango del Río, Cualác, Marquelia and Xochihuehuetlán. 19659003] Movimiento Ciudadano, without the coalition, reached three municipalities: Apaxtla de Castrejón, General Canuto Neri and Pedro Ascensio de Alquisiras. The New Alliance Party, the Guerrero Socialist Party and the Socialist Party of Mexico each won a town hall; Cocula, José Joaquín de Herrera and Copalillo, respectively

Until two o'clock in the afternoon, the IEPC did not report the results of the elections in the municipalities of Zapotitlán Tablas, Tlacoapa, Igualapa and Acatepec. ] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {FB.init ({appId: '155345648555734', cookie: true, xfbml: true, version: 'v2.10'
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