Morena, with an absolute majority in Congress


PAN and PRD, the Second and Third Legislative Forces

CITY OF MEXICO.- Four years after its founding, the party of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Morena) has not only won the presidency of the Republic, but also took the majority of seats in the Chamber of Deputies and Senators, and the PRI fell to third place as a political force.

With 92.1% of the votes counted, at the end of 9 pm, the Preliminary Election Results (PREP) Program indicated that Morena won 218 of the 300 federal deputies, and in the Senate won 24 of the 32 states. .

In the presidency, with 67% of the votes, Guanajuato lost, refuge of the PAN, in so much that the PRI found his last redoubt in San Luis Potosí

The big loser of the fight as a political party is the Democratic Revolution (PRD), which not only released three gubernatura: Morelos, Tabasco and Mexico. , where Morena devastated, if not that he was also ranked fifth electoral force, that is to say, below the PVEM

The PRI, which lost the governorates of Yucatan and of Jalisco, won only 15 federal deputies

With these results, the Chamber of Deputies will be composed of 218 deputies of the Morena-PT-PES alliance, in first position, followed by PAN-PRD -MC, with 67, and PRI-PVEM-Panal of 15, for a total of 300. The distribution is still missing In this way, Morena obtains a simple majority in the lower house.


In the case of the Senate of the Republic, it must be remembered that it consists of 128 deputies. the members, of whom 64 are elected by a relative majority (two per state), 32 are appointed by the minority principle and are assigned to the party or coalition that wins the second place of the vote, and finally the 32 calls to the proportional representation, according to the lists that each party handed over to the National Electoral Institute (INE).

In the first case, the Together We Make History coalition won in 23 entities, and only Morena got Hidalgo; the alliance By Mexico to the Front was composed of six states; Movimiento Ciudadano won Nuevo León, and the PRI-PVEM-Panal coalition remained with the Yucatan.

In sum, between the majority and the first minority senators, the alliance of Morena takes 54, that of PAN 29 and that of the PRI 13.

In total there are 96 senators, but the distribution of 32 is still missing to collect 128.

The districts where the PRI won are Yucatán, San Luis Potosí, two in the State of Mexico, Chiapas (2), Zacatecas (1) and Coahuila (1).

Another of the winning parties was MC, who not only obtained his first governorship in Jalisco, but also the Senate's majority office in Nuevo Leon.- Proceso

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