Morena would win five of the nine gubernaturas and the majority of deputies – Bajo Palabra


Mexico .- The coalition led by the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) will win in five of the nine states that will elect the governor next Sunday, which would build up unprecedented political power in the country .

The Morena candidates would take the positions of governor of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) and the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).

Polls grant a substantial advantage to Andrés Manuel López Obrador in the presidential elections and the possible achievement of In front of the political consolidation of the coalition led by Morena, the PRI would be, according to polls, the big loser of the day of the elections after the loss of the presidency of the country and of several posts of governor, as well as reducing their presence in the two rooms of the Congress.

Most polls also agree that Morena maintains a narrow dispute for the state. of Veracruz with the coalition of the National Conservative Action Party (PAN), the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) and the Movimiento Ciudadano (MC)

This coalition would keep the PAN in power in Guanajuato and Puebla (Mexico central), and would fight the position of governor in Yucatan with the PRI

The candidates of "Together we will make history" the Morena alliance with the Labor Party (PT) and the Party of Social Encounters (PES) triumph in the states of Veracruz, Morelos, Chiapas, Tabasco and Mexico City

Investigations in the State of Chiapas, led by Manuel Velasco of the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM) -PRI, place Rutilio first place of intention to vote. Escandón, appointed by the coalition "Juntos Haremos Historia" and then Roberto Albores, PRI-PVEM-Partido Nueva Alianza (PANAL).

The ex-footballer and flag-bearer of "Together we will make history", Cuauhtémoc Blanco, leads the encues In the state of Morelos led by Graco Ramírez, PRD

In Tabasco, bastion of López Obrador, Adán Augusto López Hernández, of Morena PES and PT, he directs the preferences on his nearest competitor, the PRI member Georgina Trujillo Zentella

The candidate of "Together we will make the" history "Claudia Sheinbaum directs the preferences for the leadership of the Government of Mexico, led by José Ramón Amieva, PRD and Miguel Ángel Mancera's replacement.

Alejandra Barrales, candidate for the alliance "For the CDMX to the front" (PRD-PAN and MC) and Mikel Arriola, member of the PRI

Cuitláhuac García for "Together we will make the history "retains a moderate advantage in the percentage of votes to reach the governor of Veracruz, in the presence of Miguel Ángel Yunes Márquez, son of the current NAP governor, Miguel Ángel Yunes and candidate of the coalition" Por Veracruz al frente " (PAN-PRD and MC)

In Jalisco, The only state in which MC did not materialize a coalition, his candidate Enrique Alfaro is placed in the first place to replace the PRI Governor Aristóteles Sandoval, since the presidential candidate Miguel Castro fights the second place of the polls with Carlos Lomelí, representative of Morena-PT and PES

Martha Erika Alonso, candidate for the alliance "Por Puebla al Frente" (PAN-PRD-MC), and wife of former governor Rafael Moreno Valle, heads the pref Electoral elections to govern Puebla and keep the PAN for the third consecutive time

The candidate is followed in the polls by the candidate of Morena, PT and PES, Miguel Barbosa Huerta.

The PAN could remain in the government of Guanajuato with the candidate Diego Sinhué Rodríguez of "For a Guanajuato in the Front" (PAN-PRD and MC) who is a leader in the polls, followed by Gerardo Sánchez García , from PRI and Francisco Sheffield Padilla, from "Together we will make history", which s He disputes the second site.

In Yucatan, ruled by Rolando Zapata of the PRI, the coalition candidate "Todos por México" (PRI-PVEM-PANAL) and his opponent PAN and MC, Mauricio Vila Dosal, lead the electoral preferences with a technical link , according to different national and local surveys.

With information from Agencia EFE

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