Morena's "Supermayoría" in Congress, a factor of uncertainty for the market: S & P


Standard & Poor's (S & P) admits that the new composition of the Mexican Congress, where the ruling party, Morena will have the majority, is a factor of uncertainty for the market.

Certainly the new administration could pass constitutional changes with ease, said Joydeep Mukherji general manager of sovereign ratings at S & P. ​​However, he confessed on a personal note that this will not happen because it will have a significant economic cost.

At a press conference in New York, he explained that Mexico's rating remained at the second stage of the investment note. stable ", and that the scenario of a drop in the rating would be presented if the public finances are on the way to deterioration.What can not be anticipated for the moment

Accompanied by two other Agency analysts: Roberto Sifón Arévalo, Director General of Global Sovereign Research and Analysis, and Sebastián Briozzo, Senior Director for Latin America and Public Finance, admitted that uncertainty also prevails on the policies that will apply in the energy sector and Pemex.

Again, stated that there is not yet any. elements that allow to anticipate a scenario because in the campaign contracts to foreign companies granted in the auctions, as well as changes in the policy of the prices of the essence. But these are vague proposals that do not yet have a plan or project ections, he said.

He stated that he would remain vigilant about the changes that will strengthen in the sector, the potential impact of their policies


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