Mossad reportedly helped Luis Miguel find his mother


In the chapter 11 of Luis Miguel: the series the singer states that the woman of the psychiatric hospital of Las Canarias is not his mother so who returns to Mexico determined to find the place of Marcela even if he must ask for help Federico de la Madrid – child of the former Mexican president Miguel de la Madrid – with whom he does not have a good relationship.

Luis Miguel wants the father of Federico to put him in touch with El Mossad the intelligence service of Israel, to locate his mother. However, she knows that it will not be easy to rely on the help of Fede since it is the boyfriend of Issabela Camil and because the young woman pays a lot of attention to Mickey the son of the former president is invaded by jealousy.

In this context, Luis Miguel turns first to his friend Miguel Alemán Magnani who discourages him by saying that he does not has not much to do: his grandfather, the former Mexican President Miguel Alemán ruled 40 years ago and it is unlikely that the FBI or El Mossad does him favors.

When finally Mickey decides to ask the help of Federico de la Madrid the situation gets complicated due to a misunderstanding, because Fede thinks that Issabela was unfaithful to him the singer.

Although due to misunderstanding, Federico and Issabela terminate their relationship, the son of the former president eventually accepted to help Luis Miguel .

" I spoke at the Presidential General Staff ," Fede explains to the interpreter. "You have an appointment with a people, I hope it helps you."

A few days later, a member of El Mossad appears at the offices of Hugo López manager of ] Luis Miguel and informs him that the service Israeli intelligence does not usually lend itself to the resolution of personal situations, but that it will do the exception to the attention of the former president Miguel de la Madrid.

"I know that his mother disappeared between 1986 and 1987," says the officer at Mickey .

"Yes, in 1986", replies the singer.

"Could you tell me where and when was the last time you saw it?" Asks the Israeli.

Luis Miguel then remembers those days of 1985, when his mother fell in surprise in Argentina, where he was part of a tour that he had in Latin America.

When he reconnected with Issabela Camil El Sol informs him of what happened to the agent of El Mossad and adds: " In a month, they give me the results. "



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