Movimiento Ciudadano announces that it will promote the banning of trusts in parties


The deputies and senators of Movimiento Ciudadano (MC) have informed that they will promote in the next legislature an initiative for to ban parties from creating trusts .

At a press conference, lawmakers explained that it would be in order that trusts can not be consolidated with public or private resources, and that be punished by prison for anyone who mistreats them .

Dante Delgado, National Chief of MC, assured that with the investigation made by the INE it was demonstrated, according to him, that Morena n or issued by his trust & # 39; Por los Demás & # 39; only one peso to the victims.

"We can not let deceit and simulation be vehicles to deceive and lie to people, but especially to hold people accountable," he said.

On July 17, the National Electoral Institute (INE) approved a fine of 197 million pesos to Morena for the constitution of the Trust & # 39; For Others & # 39 ;, created 19 September 2017, for Obtaining resources with a mechanism For its part, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, virtual president-elect, has pointed out in recent days that INE's fine is an "ugly revenge" and has indicated that she was disputed. this decision before the Electoral Court of the Federal Judicial Branch (TEPJF).

Morena ensures that the money was given to the victims of the earthquake in September.

López Obrador said that he will also seek the elimination of trusts.

Movimiento Ciudadano's legislative program consists of 35 actions divided into four axes, where the elimination of jurisdiction is found; former pensioners ; an independent audit and effective, and reverse the so-called "Ley Chayote ", on the management of public resources in the official advertising.

In addition to making declaration mandatory 3 3 of 3 to public officials; give Congress the authority of its budget, as well as eliminate bonuses and privileges to bureaucrats.

Movimiento Ciudadano said that he will have 28 federal deputies, as well as seven senators within the Union Congress, including the multi-member.

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