Mueller supports the Russia-EU summit



Three days before President Donald Trump meets his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, 12 Russian intelligence agents were indicted yesterday in the United States for the hacking of the Democratic Party e-mail in 2016, announced Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein

The complaint was prepared by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, who is conducting an investigation into alleged interference by Russia in the campaign for the 2016 US presidential election.

These accusations were announced three days after the meeting that President Donald Trump will hold with Russian President Vladimir Putin next Monday in Helsinki.

Immediately, Russia replied from its Foreign Ministry: "It is obvious that the purpose of these accusations is to ruin the climate before the Russian-American summit (…) of the political forces influencing United States who oppose the normalization of relations between the two countries, "he said in a statement

. It was a "large-scale cyber operation" aimed at stealing internal information from the Democratic Party, Rosenstein said. He adds that in the complaint there is no information about the participation of a US citizen.

Rosenstein himself informed Trump of the charges before making his announcement, but politically the damage was already consumed near the meeting with Putin

The head of the Democratic Party bloc in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, immediately asked the government to cancel the meeting with the Russian president.

Meanwhile, Trump, of London, said that he would discuss with Putin accusations

I will ask you this question firmly. I hope we have a good relationship with Russia, "added the president.

Trump meets the Queen

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, and his wife Melania yesterday met the Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle, their residence outside of London

The 92-year-old queen greeted the presidential couple with military honors in the palace's inner courtyard, where she had previously waited several minutes. However, it was not clear why this delay occurred.

The queen smiled as she shook hands with Trump and the first lady.While guards in uniform in red played in the national anthem of the United States.

Meanwhile, thousands of people were staging mass protests in central London and the United Kingdom to say "loudly" to the US president. welcome to the country, where he does at first official visit.

According to organizers' figures, the first women's march would have gathered up to 50,000 people and about 100,000 the second


Trying to settle the controversy created by his statements in an interview, Trump praised British Prime Minister Theresa May, who said the two countries will seek a free trade pact after Brexit.

-AFP and EFE


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