Müller knew what had happened to Verificentro


The elected head of government, Claudia Sheinbaum, assured that Tanya Müller, Secretary of the Capital Environment, knew from the day that this happened the act of corruption that his driver suffered in an auditorium in Huipulco, Tlalpan.

"She knew from the first day that it was the verification, even She told me that she would go with the environmental audit and the controller's office so that she knew what happened"He said.

She stated that the communication between her and the grievor had been communicated by WhatsApp on August 17, the day of the events.

"I sent him a message in which I informed him that I was going to file a complaint about what had happened.They asked me for 500 pesos to spend from (l & rsquo; Sticker) to zero, then there ".

He specified that Müller had asked him several questions and assured him "that he was going to proceed with the environmental audit and control, but the truth is that I just wanted to inform him, I did not want no longer talk to him ".

He warned that after sending his vehicle to refine it and that his driver was again the verification center to try to recover the zero, "but no, I still had that one".

In an interview, during her tour of gratitude to Álvaro Obregón, the former delegate stated that the local leader had to explain the statement in which she almost disdained comments from Sheinbaum Pardo, stating that after checking certain videos, no act of corruption had been found in the auditor.

"Those who have vehicles in this city know that there is a very big corruption in the audit centers and that's what she has to explain."

He pointed out that the statement of the head of government, José Ramón Amieva, in the sense of conducting the corresponding investigation and it is found that there has been such an act of corruption, imposes a sanction, "that is what any authority should do".

He repeated that the complaint had been filed: "I sent the driver because I did not have the time and it was presented at that time".

The communication team of the next elected head of government published 7 parts of the conversation between Sheinbaum and Müller:

Claudia Sheinbaum: Dear secretary. Yesterday, I went to check my vehicle at the Huipulco checkpoint. They told me that I had not passed the check and asked for 500 pesos for this to happen. I will have to report it.

Tania Müller: Hi. I see him right away. The software manages the encrypted information, it is not manipulated for the vehicles to pass. We are with constant vigilance, I appreciate the denunciation. It performs environmental monitoring with the controller. Only to your knowledge, three unapproved pre-verifiers have closed one of them near the TL44.

Resources of the water system

On the other hand, concerning what was said by the director of the water supply system of the city of Mexico, Ramón Aguirre, namely that 7 billion pesos are insufficient to clean the system of the capital , he stressed:

"Without comments, nothing more than to explain the number of resources available to him during his 12 years in power," he concluded.


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