Murder journalist of a magazine in Quintana Roo


Mexico, June 30, 2018 (AFP) – José Guadalupe "N", reporter for a digital magazine of the Mexican state of Quintana Roo (east), was shot dead, reported on Saturday the charge and the medium for which he worked, with which to add six communicators killed in Mexico in 2018.

Chan was Friday night in a bar of the indigenous community of Puerto Felipe Carrillo when he was attacked by a stranger. "The cause of death was gunshot wounds" Quintana Roo's prosecutor's office said in a statement

Chan was correspondent for the weekly digital news newspaper Playa, whose headquarters is located in the Riviera Maya Tourist,

The latest information she sent, the same Friday, was the killing of a PRI sympathizer in power in a neighboring community.

These crimes occur at the eve of the Sunday's general election during which more than 18,000 positions are elected, including the president and federal legislators.

The electoral process was marked by unprecedented violence with 136 politicians murdered until Friday, according to a count of Etellekt's cabinet.

The murder of José Guadalupe adds to the count of crimes against journalists in Mexico. Illustrative photo: The debate

A friend of Chan who was in the scene reported to the digital weekly that the attacker had entered the bar, then went to the place where the communicator and shot him three bullets.

Rubén Pat, director of the weekly told AFP by phone that Chan had recently told him that he had received threats and sought protection from the authorities, but, did he Born, he had not received an answer

Chan was 35, was married and had two daughters, Pat.

Mexico is one of the most dangerous countries to practice journalism. Photo: AFP

The Human Rights Commission of Quintana Roo (ombudsman) condemned the murder of Chan and called on the authorities to investigate whether the crime could be related to his work

"Given the In the current national context in which the grievances addressed to journalists are a red light, we urge the corresponding authorities to include all possible avenues of investigation, including those related to their journalistic work, "said the Commission.

Mexico is one of the most dangerous countries practicing journalism. In 2017, 11 communicators were murdered and more than a hundred since 2000, according to accounts of organizations defending the freedom of expression.

In this article:

  • Death
  • José Guadalupe
  • Reporter
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