Musk calls a Thai rescuer a pedophile


(CNNMoney) –

The entrepreneur Elon Musk, CEO of prominent American companies, aired his 22 million social media subscribers Sunday an unfounded and derogatory statement to About an expert spelunker who criticized a submarine

The director of Tesla attacked Vernon Unsworth, who participated in the rescue mission that rescued 12 children and his football coach from a Thai cave flooded.

He called Unsworth, a British caver who lives in Thailand, a "pedo" or pedophile in a tweet now cleared. The unfounded claim came after Unsworth called the Musk miniature a "public relations trick".

There is no indication that Musk's statement is true, and he has provided no justification or evidence to support his claim.

Lee: The rescue of Thailand's children is already inspiring films

Unsworth said Monday that he was planning to take legal action against Musk and told a network reporter Nine When asked what he thought of Musk's comment, Unsworth added, "I will not comment further, but I think people realize what kind of man he is. "

The experienced speleologist, whose knowledge of the Tham Luang cave system helped identify the location of the children, said in a previous interview with CNN that the capsule of The Miniature Leak of Musk "had absolutely no chance to work."

He can "put his submarine where it hurts," said Unsworth during the interview in Thailand

Musk issued the unfounded accusation shortly thereafter. 19659012] Authorities show Thai children in hospital, after their rescue

"I bet a dollar signed is true," he wrote in another tweet that was also deleted.

Musk's representatives and their companies, SpaceX, Boring Co., and Tesla, did not respond to Sunday's requests for comment.

Musk, who does not hesitate to woo controversy on social networks, draws attention to all the messages he publishes

. Tense rescue mission earlier this month, Musk has announced plans to help. He has posted regular updates on social media, including photos and a video of a "children's" submarine being built and tested

Lee: Who is the trainer of children trapped in Thailand?

"Fortunately useful, otherwise it could be in a future situation," he said in a tweet.

Finally, the capsule was not used in the rescue mission, and some criticized it as a distraction. The commander of the mission, Narongsak Osotthanakorn, said at one point that the submarine "does not fit our mission," according to BBC .

This caused a replica of Musk. He replied to a tweet from the BBC saying that Osotthanakorn "was not the expert in the field."

Musk also shared what he said was a screenshot of his correspondence with Richard Stanton, a retired firefighter who was one of the first to arrive at the team of football at the bottom of the cave, demonstrating that he was encouraging Musk to continue to develop the submarine.

He also insisted Sunday that the rescue authorities ask him to help "I thought that they had it in hand and I only agreed to help when the Thai diver is dead, "said Musk.

Lee: Cave where the children were trapped. Tourist Zone

Musk continued to chat with other Twitter users on Sunday, calling a reporter who criticized his submarine as an idiot.

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