Musk sends a submarine for the children of Thailand



Elon Musk multimillionaire technology entrepreneur shared photos and videos of a metal capsule that could help save a group of children caught trapped in a cave in Thailand.

The recordings that Musk shared on Twitter show a group testing the device in a swimming pool at a Los Angeles high school.

Musk said in a tweet, Sunday night, that the capsule, or submarine, was en route to Thailand and would arrive in about 17 hours.

"I hope this will be helpful," he said in a tweet "Otherwise, maybe it will be in a future situation."

Eight children were saved from a cave flooded after spending 15 days trapped with their football team and coach. They were escorted out of the cave by a

Musk, who runs many California-based companies, including SpaceX and Tesla, said Friday that his team's engineers would travel to Thailand to assess how they could help.

He provided sporadic updates. According to Musk, the engineers decided to build a "small children's submarine" with the help of a large silver tube intended for part of a Space X Falcon 9 rocket. [19659003] Musk explained that the metal tube would be "light enough to be loaded by 2 divers, small enough to cross the narrow spaces" of the cave and "extremely resistant". The device will also feature oxygen ports and a pointed tip that will protect it from rock impact, according to Musk's tweets.

Lee: The rescuer dies after leaving provisions for Thai children

In one of the test videos shared by Musk, a man can be seen leaving the metal cylinder of About 180 centimeters.

There have been enough warnings in recent days about the dangerousness of the rescue attempt, not to mention the death of ex-sergeant of the Thai Navy Saman Kunan, exSEAL, who lost life on Friday morning due to lack of air trying to return to an underground command center.

Monday morning local time, relief efforts had been suspended in Thailand while the equipment was being replenished and was preparing to remove the rest of the cave team .

Jonathan Miller of CNN reported that the eight children and their trainer who remain stuck in the cave will probably have to wait a few days due to oxygen replenishment problems.

Meanwhile, rescuers have an increasingly rare window of opportunity returning monsoon rains in the coming days, effectively closing the cave until October. .

Lee: The Aftermath of Children Trapped in a Cave in Thailand

CNN's Brian Ries, Meg Wagner, Euan McKirdy, James Masters, and Hilary Whiteman Contributed to this report.

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