"My daughter is trapped, the alligators surround her," cries a mother


"My daughter is trapped in a damn tree and there are alligators who surround her," we hear in the recording. "We can not take it off", asks the mother

A desperate mother calls 911 to ask for help because her teenage daughter was trapped in a tree surrounded by Alligators at Alexander Springs, north of Orlando. The events occurred around 3:00 pm, when Jordan Broderick, a 15-year-old girl, was swimming when she realized that reptiles were coming towards her, managed to climb a branch of a tree to escape the alligators. They had gathered around him. As reported by the local newspaper El Sentinel.

Illustrative image. Photo: EFE

Oh, my God, hurry up please. Hurry up, hurry up, said the mother to the 911 woman. Oh my God, my daughter is going to die.

While the operator asks him where is the girl. "It is about 500 feet from the water, a thunderstorm falls with thunder and lightning," says the mother. "Please hurry," begs.

However, the operator responded that it would take 20 minutes for help to arrive, which is an eternity for a mother who puts her daughter at risk, but the woman behind Line him assured that a maritime unit was heading to the site from Umantilla.

Illustrative illustration. Photo: EFE

In his report, agent Mitch Blackmon said that upon arriving at the scene, he found a teenager who seemed physically tired of staying in the tree, he wrote in the report. He added that the alligator was about 4 feet from the rescuer and 3 feet from the base of the tree.

Blackmon told local media that at least one of the alligators, who measured between 10 and 11 feet, was unfazed by his arrival. . "My presence did not scare the crocodile and on the contrary, it began to invade my region," writes Blackmon in the report

. Photo: EFE

Blackmon said that he had to use his Bushmaster AR-15 rifle. According to the report, he fired a shot and killed the animal

Fortunately, the story has a happy ending, after this action of the officer, Broderick came down from the tree and was taken to a safe place.

The authorities say that the incident with the alligator occurred at the end of the season of love of these reptiles, when they are at their most aggressive point.

In this note:

  • United States
  • Alligators
  • Young
  • Taken

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