Mycoplasma genitalium, an STD that few know: your doctor


Mycoplasma genitalium is a sexually transmitted disease ( ETS ) very little known and dangerous because according to some scientists, it becomes resistant to certain antibiotics, so according to experts of the centers for the control and prevention of diseases, it is a sexual disease much more common than the gonorrhea and the chlamydia although many

for this reason, Peter Greenhouse expert in sexually transmitted diseases and member of British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH), urges the population to take precautions

" It's time for the public to learn what is the Mycoplasma genitalium ", says

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Mycoplasma genitalium is a hard-to-recognize STD, it can take up to 6 months to develop and is caused by a bacterium transmitted by oral vaginal sex or anal .

It can also be transmitted by contact of the hands and fingers with the genitals and anus of the infected person. The sex toys shared with a person with mycoplasma genitalium are also a source of infection

Having multiple partners and not using protection at every sexual encounter are the main causes of the disease .

] mycoplasma genitalium

After Dr. Karla Ferreres García of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Gregorio University General Hospital Marañón, about 1% of young adults suffer from this STD. 19659002] It was discovered in the 1980s by researchers at University College London, although its prevalence has increased in recent years.

It begins when the bacterium colonizes the genitourinary tract and produces urethritis in men, while in women produces cervicitis and pelvic inflammatory disease. People who already have other STDs are more likely to develop it.

Although not always showing symptoms and not needing medical treatment, the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV believes that this disease is confused with other sexually acquired infections transmissible, it is worrying.

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Symptoms of mycoplasma genitalium

In men, it usually causes inflammation of the urethra and a burning sensation when urinating, itching in the area and secretion of pus in the urethra.

In women, the infection is manifested by inflammation in the cervix of the uterus that usually does not give symptoms, but in case there is, there are usually alterations in vaginal discharge, bleeding in intercourse and burns during urination

Another manifestation of mycoplasma genitalium in women is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease which causes abdominal pain, discomfort in intercourse and high vaginal discharge with a bad smell.

 mycoplasma genitalium

It is often confused with other sexual diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, ureaplasma and genital herpes, the diagnosis is usually late. Therefore, specialists suggest a medical examination immediately after the presentation of the first symptoms.

Receiving timely treatment is essential since several studies have shown a strong association between infection with Mycoplasma genitalis and HIV.

On the other hand, when it is located in the vagina, uterine cervix and endometrium, it can cause in some cases infertility and Ectopic pregnancies .

There is no specific test to diagnose this infection, but usually a genital examination in women and a study of urine in humans.

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If observed any of these symptoms, tests should be done. In addition, if she was diagnosed in a couple or sexual partner because it is most likely necessary to perform the treatment, given its prevalence.

Prevention of Mycoplasma genitalium includes the same measures as for any other type of sexually transmitted disease: use of condoms and maintenance of safe sexual behavior.

(With information from Vanguardia and BBC)

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