Nahir Galarza case: What is the sentence in Peru for this type of crime?


An unprecedented fact is the sentence to life imprisonment against Nahir Galarza a 19-year-old who killed his lover in two bullets, Fernando Pastorizzo 20, dawn of December 29, 2017.

The crime of Gualeguaychú took the covers of the Argentine press and shocked a whole nation. This is the first time that a young woman under the age of 20 is sentenced to life imprisonment in the country. The Argentine legislation stipulates in paragraph 1 of article 80 of the Penal Code that:

"Anyone who kills his ascendant, descendant, spouse, ex-spouse or the person with whom he maintains or has maintained a relationship of couple, mediation or non-coexistence. "

Until the last minute, Nahir denied having an affair with Fernando ; However, the judges concluded that there was. "We saw each other at dawn to have sex," he told magistrates at the trial

The case in Peru

The question now is: what would happen if Nahir Galarza had murdered Fernando Pastorizzo in Peru? Would he have received the same punishment? The President of the Judiciary, Duberlí Rodríguez answered the question RPP .

"In the case of Peru we have described the homicide that he has not a life sentence.And that goes from 15 years to 35 years.The one with imprisonment for life is aggravated theft with death or kidnapping with the next death.But there is a double crime, but since in this case there is only one homicide, it is n & # 39; There would be no life imprisonment Yes, I would have a life sentence if it was a feminicide, but in this case it was the death of a man by the hands of a woman, "commented the magistrate.

The President of the Judiciary has asserted that it is a very controversial issue in the country, because there is a life sentence if a man kills a woman, but he does not. There is none if a woman kills a man. "There is a general principle of the law that says we are all equal before the law, it means that a man's life has the same value as the life of a woman. It is not logical that, for example, the life of the man deserves less punishment than when a woman is killed.But it is a very questionable question. "

[19459005Inconclusion if Nahir Galarza had killed two bullets at close range Fernando Pastorizzo in Peru, would receive a penalty, not less than 15 years or more than 35. But he could have penitentiary benefits that would reduce their sentence.

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