Nahuatzen's neighbors in Michoacán burn the ballot papers


Nahuatzen, Michoacán.- Residents of Nahuatzen fire to four packets of ballots that individuals move in an unofficial vehicle, intended for a community in that municipality of Meseta Purépecha, although they have warned the authorities that they would not allow the installation of spaces in their hometowns.

The Michoacán Electoral Institute pointed out that there are four packets of newsletters for the local election that they had as their destiny the community of. Arantepacua and, that with the agreement of the General Council, they were given the loss of last Monday.

Saying settlers and those who are against the installation of the squares, the ballots were entered the city in private vans kept by an armed group.

They explained that later, at 10:00 pm, ballot papers ] were burned on the outskirts of the municipal IEM and that in the offices of political parties were found hundreds of electoral references that were also cremated

The rejection of the installation of boxes in nine indigenous towns of Purépecha Plateau and the Cañada de los Eleven Pueblos, have been warned by indigenous communities since the beginning of this electoral process (September 2017).

In response to the insistence of the state authorities and the local electorate to impose lodges, the Michoacán Native Superior Council decided to radicalize its plan of action and since June 26 when they started their mobilizations.

The conflict between indigenous groups who reject the installation of polling stations and supporters of political parties who want to vote July 1, generated that in an unprecedented event in the country's history, 57 squares were eliminated in a single entity.

Interviewed about it, David Alejandro Delgado Arroyo, executive member of the local office of INE in Michoacán, confirmed that never before in the history of the country the number of electoral packages had been removed for the installation of the same number of cases, in a single state of the Republic

He explained that because of the social movements that were present in the Plateau of Purepecha of Michoacán de Baja 57 cells in the state of Michoacán through two district councils of the INE

He stated that this decision had been taken because there was no conditions and that the majority of participants and electoral assistants were not allowed to participate in the preparation and integration of the polling stations. 19659002] Thus, David Alejandro Delgado reiterated, derived from this type of situation and not to take an attitude of confrontation and especially that among the people there is not to fight to have or not elections, has decided to unsubscribe these 57 boxes.

Of the total of the boxes that will not be installed, 3 belong to Cocucho and 2 to San Felipe de los Herreros of the municipality of Charapan; 18 in Cherán; 2 in Acachuen and 3 in Zopoco of Chilchota municipality; 4 from Arantepacua and 12 from the municipal capital of Nahuatzen; 2 of the municipality of Aranza de Paracho and 6 of Santa Fe de la Laguna of the municipality of Quiroga.

These places correspond to the federal electoral district of Paracho and, to this, there are five boxes that will not be installed in Pichátaro, municipality Delgado Arroyo

However, "there is still a special situation in the region, especially in 13 Nahuatzen squares and the Nahuatzen municipal headquarters and four squares in Sevina, in the Patzcuaro district, where we made the decision to wait, especially because there is a population wanting have elections, "he said.

The executive cocal, said that in no case can be declared null of the election, because in federal terms the bottom of these boxes does not have any impact on the nullity of the election.

Secondly, he pointed out, in local terms, that does not have any impact on the election for the deputation because there are more municipalities that the District understands locally.

In the case of the election to the municipal presidencies, he pointed out that the Michoacán Electoral Institute made the decision, by agreement, that because of this type of Circumstances the choice would be valid with the boxes that are installed.

"Because we have already removed these boxes, does not count for the legal effects of the non-installation; then, there will be no possibility of void boxes unless the agreements that the boards of District have taken are challenged, "he said.

"We will still see the issue of the Nahuatzen agreement but if tonight no one also disputes that the agreement will be firm as the political parties accept the situation," added the senior official of the & # 39; 39, INE in the entity.


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