NASA: Broadcast images in high resolution from space | YouTube | United States | VIDEO | World


NASA released its new acquisition a few hours ago, it's a camera Heliúm 8K Ultra High Definition (UHD) worth $ 80,000.

This valuable device has been assigned to the space agency through the agreement & # 39;Agreement on the spatial law& # 39; between NASA and the company of RED cameras.

Although the camera arrived at the International Space Station (ISS) on April 4, NASA finally released a few hours ago the first recorded video with a resolution of 8K from space.

The camera will allow astronauts to record videos at 60 fps, which will allow the US space agency to capture their experiments at maximum resolution, so they can be analyzed on Earth.

In the video posted by NASA's official YouTube channel, you can see how ISS team members work with DNA sequencing in the space.

In addition, we see how the team members discover the genetic differences of the plants grown in the Earth and space.

However, not everything is good news for those who like to see the activities of the NASAbecause few will be able to see the video in all its splendor.

This is because very few people have a TV or 8K monitor, despite this inconvenience, the video published in Youtube It has a Full HD resolution so that the majority can enjoy it and enjoy it without any hindrance.

Curiously, the RED camera is of the same brand as the one used to record The Hobbit trilogy, The Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and famous television series such as Strangers Things and Lost in Space.

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