NASA releases the first ultra-high resolution video recorded in space


Spanish >> science-technology

Updated on 07/11/2018 – 10:16

Keywords:NASA video resolution, space, ultra high

NASA astronaut Ricky Arnold operates the 8K camera on the International Space Station (NASA)

Washington, 11/07/2018 (The People Online) – The work of astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) has never been so clear. NASA has released the first video recorded with ultra high resolution (8K) technology in space, in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA), which shows the station's facilities and research conducted by the astronauts. they perform with unprecedented clarity, according to La Vanguardia.

The video begins with images of NASA astronaut, Serena Auñón-Chancellor, conducting an experiment to perfect DNA and RNA sequence technologies in the US. space. Auñón-Chancellor also seems to be working on research on plant growth in microgravity and comparing growth differences between plants and their growth on Earth.

The images also show in detail the installations of the space station such as the Cupola, a structure that offers greater visibility to exploit the robotic arms of the station and also offers an unmatched view of our planet. Astronauts and teams monitor the space.

Another scene in the video shows how Serena Auñón-Chancellor draws blood from an arm to ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst. Astronauts regularly take samples of blood, saliva and urine that will be analyzed on Earth to determine how living in space alters the immune system of people.

Although they are not returned to Earth, these samples are stored in a liquid nitrogen freezer that keeps them at 80 degrees below zero and appears at the beginning of the video managed by astronaut Ricky Arnold from NASA.

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