NASA shows the new face of Mars after suffering a planetary dust storm [VIDEO] | Photo 1 of 5 | Science


The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), a satellite that orbited March detected the formation of a dust storm on May 30. On June 20, the phenomenon takes on a global dimension.

On Thursday, July 19 NASA published a video showing the evolution of this dust storm that changed the face of the planet. Red planet completely.

These are dust storms that are formed every six or eight years, the equivalent of three or four Martian years, and that scientists recorded, with the intention of determining the causes.

All we know up to now is that these global storms on Mars occur when several small storms raise enough dust to envelop the surface of the entire red planet.

  NASA shows the new face of Mars after suffering from a dust storm at the planetary level

NASA shows the new face of Mars after suffering from a global dust storm level . (Youtube / NASA

"It's one of the biggest weather events we've seen on Mars [desde que comenzaron las observaciones de naves espaciales en la década de 1960]. Having another example of a dust storm really helps us understand what's going on, "said Michael Smith, a scientist at the Goddard Spaceflight Center in Greenbelt, in a statement from NASA ." Opportunity "to enter hibernation mode because it can not load its panels By contrast, his brother's "curiosity" studied the Martian soil of the Gale crater. Fortunately, the dust has acted as a natural thermal insulator, preventing temperatures from falling below what Opportunity can withstand.

According to the database of previous storms, it is estimated that it could be allowed in September, by which date the conditions would be favorable to resume communication with the & # 39; Opportunity & # 39;

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