NASA's probe brushes the sun, like no other device in history


NASA's probe brushes the sun, like no other device in history

If all goes as planned, Parker will make 23 even bigger approximations over seven years.


Nail space probe of the NASA he did his First approach to the sun, two and a half months after his lift-off.

No spaceship had come so close to our star.

The Parker probe i'm coming to 24 million kilometers of the solar surface the Monday evening.

Its relative speed relative to the sun was 342,000 kilometers an hour when it penetrated the summit, the solar exterior atmosphere.

NASA will not contact Parker until the sun is far enough away to avoid radio interference.

NASA's Nicola Fox said the scientists "can not wait to receive the data", which would solve some of the mysteries of the star.

If it survives the violent solar environment, the probe will make 23 even larger approximations over seven years.

The next will be in April.


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