NATO gives green light to mission in Iraqi territory


Authorized Conflicts

BRUSSELS (EFE) .- NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, acknowledged yesterday that disagreements persist among allies, at the end of the first day of the summit of the United Nations. organization, although he claimed that they prevented decisions from being made to strengthen the Alliance.

"We have just concluded a substantial meeting of the 29 heads of state and government, we have had discussions, we have disagreements but, more importantly, we have decisions that advance this alliance and we make them stronger, "Stoltenberg said at a press conference.

The first day of the summit was marked by criticism The US President, Donald Trump, to the allies who still do not reach the goal of investing 2% of their GDP in military spending and, in particular, in Germany.

"In the history of NATO, we had" We agree on the fact that Europe and North America are safer together " said the Secretary General of the Allies

. "NATO is good for Europe and good for North America," he continued.

Stoltenberg had alluded to the differences between the United States and their allies on issues such as trade, climate change or even nuclear agreement with Iran.

In yesterday's working session, leaders discussed how best to allocate the Alliance's financial burdens, a point on which Trump has particularly insisted.

In their statement, they reaffirmed their "unwavering commitment to all aspects" of the commitment they made at the Welsh Summit (UK) in 2014 and welcomed the progress made since that date.

"We are committed to improving the balance of cost-sharing and responsibility to become a member of the Alliance"

The Secretary General of the Allies recalled that burden sharing does not refer not only to the money that the countries must invest, but also to the contributions and "Of course, the money must be well used, as in the European capabilities or in the missions, as Iraq" , he said, referring to the new operation that the allies gave the green light yesterday, In addition, leaders agreed to update the NATO command structure with 1,200 new positions and a barracks for the Atlantic in the United States and another for logistical support in Germany. [19659003] They also decided to do more against hybrid threats and counter propaganda.

For his part, the Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez, offered to NATO that Spain could take over the training and training of the troops. Tunisia to strengthen security in its Southern Front.

In addition, Sanchez showed Spain's willingness to lead, if necessary, the expulsion of the UN mission to Libya from the East Rota Barracks and using its capabilities amphibians.

A look

Terrorist threat

Italy fears the terrorist threats of the Southern Front which are very important, said Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, of Brussels, where he participates in the summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Fear of Migrants

Conte insisted that such threats came "from the same immigration" and referred in particular to so-called "foreign fighters" or radicalized young Europeans

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