& nbsp; Venvenza & # 39; fine of 197 mdp from INE to Morena: López Obrador


  AMLO, Fine, 197 mp, Trust, Brunette, INE, Elections, 19-S, Earthquake, Damaged, Corruption

AMLO, Fine, 197 mp, Trust, Brunette, INE, Elections, 19-S , Earthquake, Damnificados, Corrupción


Andrés Manuel López Obrador, virtual elected president, thundered against the National Electoral Institute (19459013) for the fine of 197 million pesos ] that he imposed on Morena for alleged irregularities in the Trust For Others created for victims of earthquakes in September

This is a draconian measure and totally unfair, "complained Tabasco 19659006] You may be interested: López Obrador will earn 108 thousand pesos a month as president

Without saying his name, he denounced that Ciro Murayama who chaired the INE Supervisory Commission was the orchestrate ur of the fine of 197 million p

These are them, advisers of the INE. Is there anyone who does not see us with good eyes, they are very right. The person in charge of supervision (Ciro Murayama), who approved the fraud of 2006, still brings them. It's an excess, an abuse, as I said today, an ugly revenge for the INE's advisers, "said López Obrador en route to Mexico City, after concluding a break of three. days at his farm in Palenque, Chiapas.

López Obrador estimated that advisors "have no legal basis" to apply the fine.

The resources of this trust have nothing to do with the resources brought by the company. INE at Morena; these are contributions that citizens have made, we have all done, I have contributed 500,000 pesos to this trust of what I have received for my new book, which has been given to me, or part of what gave me the publishing house Planeta "

In an interview with various media on arrival at Villahermosa International Airport, where he was accompanied by the elected governor of Tabasco, Adán Augusto López Hernández, López Obrador added that the deputies and the senators and all contributed to the trust "but it was not money that came out of it. ; INE. "

Now it turns out that in an arbitrary way they fine Morena.The fine is 128 mp and the confidence of 107 mp.They exercised about 80 million pesos.Imagine, c & # 39; Is a draconian and totally unfair measure.

This is a very serious charge, it will be challenged in court, there is no legal basis, and it is not at the INE to determine it, "he added.

* Jci


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