Nearly a year of 19-S, begins rebuilding the building in Multifamily Tlalpan


Milenio Digital and Notimex

Nearly a year after the earthquake of September 19, reconstruction work of Building 1C began in the Multifamily of Tlalpan, which collapsed by the earthquake of 7.1

Yesterday, the Secretariat of Civil Protection proceeded to the physical delivery of the land to the inhabitants of this housing complex where the 40 departments which were

The project architectural, directed by Mecate Studio was developed with the participation of neighbors who lost their homes, through workshops and exercises coordinated by the Civil Society Practical Architecture Office. 19659007] The design respects elements such as the partitions and trellises that had the previous building, however, "the materials were reinterpreted to form a new design," the association said in a statement.

For added security, the structure of the building was divided into three bodies and instead of another staircase was added to have safer escape routes and unlike the previous building, the departments will start on the ground floor.

The departments will be 37.8 square meters as they were previously, since the law of construction does not allow to increase the size of collapsed dwellings.

He explained that among the changes highlights the flexibility in the distribution within the departments, as they can have one or two rooms, depending on the needs of users, and with the ability to exit the room bath of the room

The development of the Executive Project is in charge of the company Tabicon and the construction will be in charge of the company CAS, under contract with the Housing Institute of Mexico ( Invi).

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