Netflix already surpasses traditional television in video consumption


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The Netflix video streaming company has grown significantly in recent years and it is already reaping the benefits: in the United States, it already surpasses traditional television and pay television.

According to a study by Cowen & Co. of Wall Street cited by Variety, video subscription services are already more popular than television opened and paid in the American Union.

He was interviewed by 2,500 American adults and asked which platforms use the most to see the content on television. winner was Netflix, with 27 percent of the responses, followed by cable TV with 20 percent, in the case of open television, it is preferred by 18 percent and YouTube reached 11 percent.

[1 9459011] The preference to see Netflix on any other option goes up to 40% in the segment between ages 18 and 34, YouTube follows and cable TV remains third with young people.

Netflix's strategy, which has proven to be successful, consists of two basic points: first, in the development of original content, series and films, and, second, creative and consistent marketing strategies.

According to the latest financial report, Netflix has more than 125 million subscribers who pay for the service, of which 68 million are outside the United States.


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