New attack against the protest in Nicaragua


Managua.- For the second time in 24 hours, a civilian demonstration was attacked yesterday by armed elements in the capital of Nicaragua, as part of a violent weekend that killed at least two people , several wounded and twenty arrests Illegal human rights organizations have been reported.

In Managua, a protester was injured yesterday during an attack by strangers against a caravan of opposition vehicles that were circulating in the city, media reports said. Witnesses told Channel 15 (private) that the attack had been carried out by supporters of the government party.

On Saturday, the attack of a march by the miners killed in the violence caused two deaths, confirmed yesterday. One of them was a 23 year old boy, a flag salesman, who died of a bullet. Another young man, a 20-year-old student, died of the attack at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN Managua) and another university student remains in serious condition in a hospital.

The violent socio-political crisis Nicaragua is due to the "unleashing of dark forces that sow terror and death" in the country, denounced the Nicaraguan Bishop Silvio Báez. "The Lord has been crying abundantly in Nicaragua for the last two months, when dark forces have sown terror and death in our neighborhoods, our cities, our paths," said the priest during a homily at the Metropolitan Cathedral. from Managua.

"God has cried a lot during those months when violent and criminal repression has raged" in Nicaragua, he said.

Báez, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Managua, warned that the crisis was already "almost over". 300 Nicaraguans who did not die when they had to die, but died when others decided to kill them. "

Vice President of the Government, Rosario Murillo, attributed the crisis suffered by the country to the invasion of" evil spirits. "19659002] In the Vatican, Pope Francis assured his approval of the mediation conducted by the bishops of Nicaragua to put an end to the violence and find a peaceful way out of the conflict.The Pope made these declarations at the end of his Sunday blessing with the Angelus, which he addressed to more than 20,000 people gathered in St. Peter's Square in the Vatican and, after receiving Saturday a detailed report on the situation in Nicaragua

"I renew my prayers for the people of Nicaragua. I wish to join the efforts of the country's bishops and so many people of goodwill in their mediation and witnessing role for the ongoing national dialogue process on the road to democracy, "he said. The demonstrations were triggered on April 18 against a twisted social security reform.

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