New controversy with Starbucks for discrimination – 07/08/2018


Three months later in the United States the director of a branch will call the police for the presence of two black men in a room, Starbucks returned to the news because of discrimination . This time, the reason was that an employee was making fun of a stutter.

When the customer, named Sam, ordered his drink at a Starbucks in Philadelphia on June 27, he stammered by saying his name. The coffee vendor replied "Okey, Sss-sam", and when the customer received his iced coffee, he read the inscription "SSSAM" on the glass, according to Tan Lekwijit, l & rsquo; Young man's friend. 19659003] A day without Starbucks: the cafeteria closes 8,000 locals to train its employees against discrimination "src =" "data-big =" https: / / "data-small =" "observe =" "data-observer- function = "loadLazyImg" />

When Sam sends an email to the company to complain, he is offered a credit of US $ 5 . "I do not write this because I want to get into trouble, but because I want to educate employees," Lekwijit said.

"There are many people with speech disorders who are in a more complicated position than my friend struggling against their self-esteem and self-confidence to be treated as this way, especially by the service employees, only scares them. "

Starbucks he replied on Twitter that the employee had been fired and had maintained his policy of "zero tolerance for discrimination", after a recent case that had resonated with the media.

closed more than 8,000 of its US sites to train 175,000 employees against racial discrimination . What motivated this action was the arrest of two black men at a Starbucks store in Philadelphia on April 12, which sparked outrage against the company.

the director had called the police after one of these men asked him to use the bathroom, then they both sat down to wait for a third without ordering anything . A video that went viral showed the uniforms cuffing the two men, who did not resist, while a customer told the police: "What did they do?"

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