New device developed to measure glucose without pain


Researchers at Advanced Materials Research Center (Cimav) develop the prototype of an electronic language to measure glucose levels in the body, through a drop of saliva.

non-invasive medical device uses a photodetector to perform a red, green and blue (RGB) color assay of a test strip, in which a small amount of saliva is deposited, by depending on the color change, the device determines the amount of glucose in the patient's body.

The test strips are made of cellulose (paper) and a mixture of enzymes that react by changing color when they come into contact with saliva.

If the saliva deposited on the band is low in glucose, it becomes pink, but if the amount of sugar is more concentrated, it becomes red, and to obtain the glucose level, the color of the band is compared to a table showing the estimated amounts of glucose in saliva depending on its color.


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The Researcher He indicated that this method allows to indicate the amounts of glucose contained in saliva at a certain time, so if you plan to use it to perform daily monitoring, it is indicated that it is used to fasting and without oral hygiene, given that

In an interview for the Information Agency of the National Council of Science and Technology ( Conacyt ), the head of project, Alfredo Márquez Lucero said that this The device will be a valid alternative for people with diabetes because they often have skin problems that make painful punctures necessary for measuring blood sugar.

The scientist explained that patients' skin becomes sensitive, so the process of getting blood and making glucose measurements can become extremely painful, causing people to stop measuring their sugar levels in the body. that they increase the risk of complications due to their disease.

"The idea is that this device is commercial and accessible to the population.What we did was use the most common components so that people could acquire it," he said. he said.


The innovation of the Faculty of Science also makes it possible to measure other types of biomolecules such as cholesterol, uric acid or triglycerides

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Up to now, the prototype has been used to perform tests on about thirty people that make up the headquarters at Durango del Cimav, which made it possible to publish the research at the international level.

In addition, the team expects that the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) allow it to enter hospitals to continue testing.

This device also has a map allowing sending glucose measurement results over the Internet, either for the same patient or for the doctor who takes the treatment of the person with diabetes, this which facilitates the role of sugar levels.


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