New device for diabetics


FreeStyle Free does not need blood drops

60% of people with diabetes mellitus do not achieve the recommended control goals and four in ten do not measure glucose frequently, a said Dr. Mercedes Medina Aguilar

Specializing in pediatric endocrinology, the doctor revealed these data at the conference "Diabetes Mellitus" in Mexico. New tool for glucose control, "promoted by Abbott Lab to announce the launch of FreeStyle Free Self-Monitoring flash device.

Taken before the presentation, the doctor explained that diabetic patients should follow certain indications, including they apply their medication, either orally or by insulin, have adequate nutrition and have glucose monitoring.

Glucose monitoring, he explained, is the frequent examination of glucose by means of blood samples. until now, many constantly associate the sting with the finger.

"FreeStyle is a device applied to the skin that measures interstitial glucose and scans you.It is fast, painless, safe and effective, and with this we improve the treatment and we have better patient control with diabetes. "

The specialist explained that FreeStyle Libre consists of a reader and a sensor. In the player, the glucose value appears when scanning the sensor or patch and without the need for a drop of blood. The sensor, the size of a 10 peso coin, is placed on the arm and changed every 14 days.

He reported that on the device, after a scan, you can see on the initial screen: glucose readings, eight-hour history and a trend arrow that shows if the glucose goes up or down.

In the speech, Dr. Medina Aguilar said that according to the National Health Survey Medio Camino, the prevalence of people with diabetes is 9.4% nationwide. But in the southern zone, which includes Yucatan, Campeche, Tabasco, Quintana Roo and Veracruz, the prevalence is 10.4%.

He said that the majority of cases are related to unhealthy lifestyles, and this obesity, overweight and sedentary lifestyle are closely related to type 2 diabetes mellitus. He said that if the appropriate measures are not taken, the disease will continue to increase and chronic complications.

In the case of the infant population, the doctor acknowledged that there was no in Mexico; However, he said that there are more and more obese and overweight children who have type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Jorge Alberto Barrera, president of the Mexican Association of Diabetes in the Southeast, and patient Rodrigo Navarrete Cuevas were also present. and his mother, who spoke about their experience with the flash device.- Jorge Ivan Canul Ek

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