New law: Israel freezes funds of Palestinian prisoners


The Palestinian Authority on Tuesday denounced the approval of an Israeli law that allows freezing of the body. money they should receive to deliver it later to the families of Palestinian Detainees .

The text, adopted Monday by the Israeli Parliament, provides for the deduction of the sums given to Palestinian detainees from the funds that Israel collects with VAT or customs duties on behalf of the Palestinian Authority.

Photo: AFP

"It is an act of piracy, a robbery that amounts to wanting to suppress the Palestinian Authority," Said AFP Saeb Erakat, Secretary-General of the Liberation Organization, told AFP of Palestine (PLO). and the money of the Palestinian people and all this is the product of the decisions of US President (Donald) Trump who supports Israel, added this senior official.

Palestinian leaders should make "important decisions" since this approval assumes "a red line," said Nabil Abu Rudeina, spokesman for President Mahmud Abas .

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The Palestinian Authority grants allowances to the families of Palestinians detained by Israel on the basis of their sentences.

According to one of the promoters of the law, Avi Dichter, Likud MP, the Conservative Party of Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu the total of what is given to families accounts for 7% of amount of the budget of the Palestinian Authority, which already has a large deficit.

Photo: AP

Addressing Palestinian President Mahmoud Abas, Avi Dichter said in debates: "Instead of your Authority investing in health, education, it spends 7% of its budget to finance terrorism. . "

Opposition deputies of the Unified Arab List and Meretz denounce the law, as the Palestinian Authority has already done.

Most Palestinian families have had at least one family member detained since the beginning of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories in 1967.

In this note:

  • Palestine [19659018] Israel
  • Freezing the funds of prisoners
  • Benjamin Netanyahu

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