New Personal Assistant for Diabetics


Sugar.IQ would send reports on the glucose level

ORLANDO (Notimex) .- An application that combines artificial intelligence and analytical technologies is the new personal assistant that helps people with diabetes to have better management and disease control, knowing how their glucose levels respond to factors such as food intake, insulin dose, daily routines, among others.

In the 78th. edition of the Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association (ADA), it was announced the availability (for the moment only in the US) of Sugar.IQ for users of the Guardian Connect system, which may have personalized predictive alerts up to 60 minutes before a low or high glucose

The personal assistant designed for "smartphones" by the medical device company Medtronic and its technology partner IBM Watson Health, is the first application of this type that helps simplify and improve the daily control of diabetes.

People with this disease may show patterns that affect their glucose levels, but with this application, the patient and the doctor will have the opportunity to know how lifestyle choices, medications and injections multiple daily affect diabetes control and time spent with glucose in the target range.

The data is t Pass the personal assistant through a small device that is placed as a patch on the patient's abdomen.

According to the developer, about 30.3 million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes, and 1.5 million new cases are added each year. 19659003]

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