New president of the capital TSJ, Rafael Guerra


Rafael Guerra Álvarez was elected president of the Superior Court of Justice of Mexico City. Photo: Cuartoscuro

Rafael Guerra Álvarez was elected president of the Superior Court of Justice of Mexico City. Photo: Cuartoscuro


Rafael Guerra Álvarez was elected president of the Superior Court of Justice of Mexico City.

In the contest five candidates participated: magistrates Celia Marín Sasaki and Rosalba Guerrero Martínez, and magistrates Manuel Díaz Infante, the current president Álvaro Augusto Pérez Juárez and Rafael Guerra Álvarez.

In the first round, Judge Guerra got 29 votes and Pérez Juárez 27, so a second round was needed to define the winner, who was to get 40 votes.

In the second round, Rafael Guerra Álvarez got 41 votes against 35 from Alvaro Augusto Pérez Juárez, which allowed the prosecutors they come back to the presence of the court after 11 years, when civil lawyers such as Edgar Elías Azar and Álvaro Augusto Pérez Juárez were at the forefront.

Rafael Guerra is a graduate of the National School of Higher Education Aragon of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. has a master's degree and a doctorate and dozens of national and international specializations.

The presiding magistrate was a judge and one of the most relevant cases he Divine discotheque news.

The magistrate will begin his mandate the first business day of January 2019.


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