news shows Germán Valdés, 45 years old without & # 39; Tin Tan & # 39;


Today, 45 years ago, the heart of German Genaro Cipriano Gómez Valdés Castillo, actor, comedian and Mexican singer famous as Tin Tan, whose popularity passed from generation to generation stopped.

He was killed by pancreatic cancer and left behind a versatility track on stage: in movies, theater and nightclubs.

It was Tin Tan since 1943, when it was a season at the Esperanza Iris theater in this capital.

He was born on September 19, 1915 in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, son of a customs officer.

His first contact with the artistic medium was on the XEJ radio station in Veracruz, although his experience of life at the border inspired him to create his character Pachuco, with a popular life on stage.

Valdés also recorded recordings and is remembered for his interpretation of the song Bonita, a song by composer Luis Arcaraz that the comedian sang in the film Músico, poeta y loco, recalls today El Sol of México.

It's the cinema where he made the most of his career, with over a hundred films that place him among the big stars of the film's Golden Age Mexican, especially with the film Calabacitas Tiernas, by director Gilberto Martínez Solares.

Another of his memorable films is El rey del barrio, in which he plays a young railroad man determined to defend his neighbor Carmelita, in a kind of Robin Hood that deprives the rich of giving to the poor [19659009] [ad_2]
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