Next to the UNAM! The Tec de Monterrey is the number 1 university in Mexico


The Tec de Monterrey is the number 1 university in Mexico, at least according to the ranking of Latin American Times Higher Education universities this year.

The British evaluator Times Higher Education published this week what constitutes his third ranking of universities, which counts four universities in Mexico among the top 50 places.

The Institute of Technology and Higher Education of Monterrey appears in the fifth place of the region, just below the University of Campinas State, of the University of California. University of Sao Paulo, of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and the Federal University of Sao Paulo

The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) is located in position 13.

Of the other Mexican universities among the top 50 places in the ranking are the Metronome Autonomous University (26th) and the National Polytechnic Institute (40th)

For the edition of this year, Times Higher Education evaluated 129 universities in 10 countries in Latin America with the same criteria as the World University Rankings, but with special features of educational institutions in America Latin.

The ranking assesses universities through their main missions: teaching, research, transfer of knowledge and international vision.

If you want to know more details of this list, you can click here.

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