NGOs call for national reconciliation and promote harmony


CITY OF MEXICO.- Three days before the election of July 1, civil society organizations called on Mexicans to do an exercise of tolerance, to begin a process of reconciliation national, and promote the concord in the country.

"No matter who wins the electoral contest, in a democracy, as flawed or nascent as that of Mexico, national problems will have to be confronted and resolved to move forward and stay united," they said.

The manifesto was written by organizations such as Mexico SOS, Mexicans Against Corruption, Coparmex, Barra Mexicana Bar Association; as well as various scholars and academics, who participated in the formation of the Agenda Mexico 18.24 Security and Justice .

They explained that beyond the electoral preferences of every citizen, the proper conduct of the electoral process depends on the adherence to the law with which political parties, candidates, electoral representatives and representatives governmental and electoral authorities act.

Gustavo de Hoyos, president of Copramex, however, said that citizens have two challenges to overcome, to overcome the abstention and especially to reject the organized crime that will be present on election day.

He warned that the authorities, for their part, have the obligation and the challenge to guarantee the safety of citizens who come to vote, members of the polling station and candidates; as well as preserving order and social peace at all costs.

He felt that if the Executive Power, the Legislative Power and the Judicial Branch of the Federation remained in the country during these six years, it is precisely in the matter of Rule of Law.

"There is a cumulative deficit in terms of uncertainty, in terms of corruption, in terms of security and impunity," said the representative of the national business community.

He explained that it is the reason why it is relevant that various civil society organizations present a comprehensive agenda for the next six years in terms of security and justice.

"The new administration, the two powers that will be elected, has the main challenge of making the necessary transformations that increase levels of security and justice," he added.

He indicated that agenda 18.24 provides institutional, legal, and operational elements, which are essential to transforming the justice system profoundly, which is why he demanded that the next government accept them

" We demand that the next government emerge from electoral participation, and as of July 1, resume these proposals immediately and turn them into government actions, "added De Hoyos.

Meanwhile, Alejandro Martí, President of Mexico City SOS, said the initiative brings together the experience, knowledge and especially the talent at the service of Mexico to achieve the security and justice that the country needs.

He warned that as rates of violence increase, governments are hurting citizens of the learning curve that is leading to new operational positions that are often granted for political favors or compadrazgos.

"Let's avoid the change of traditional government with the help of experts, new officials and new programs that leave behind what has been done well. This is the reason for the 18.24 agency, do not reject the well done, but if it corrects what was wrong, it does not destroy to build, but is part of the facts for s & # 39; To improve, "he concluded.

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