Nicolás Maduro and Evo Morales congratulate AMLO; "Truth triumphs over lies," they say.


Given the broad advantage that the exit votes gave Andres Manuel López Obrador the Presidents of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro and Bolivia Evo Morales congratulated tonight coalition candidate Together we will make history ( Morena, PT, PES )

" I congratulate the Mexican people and its elected president, @lopezobrador_, for opening the broad tracks of sovereignty and friendship of our peoples, triumphing over the truth about the lies and renewing the hope of Great homeland, "tweeted the Venezuelan president.

The President of Bolivia ] Evo Morales congratulated "President-Elect Brother" López Obrador. In a tweet posted on his official account, he declared himself certain that the virtual triumph of AMLO "will write a new page in the history of Latin American dignity and sovereignty" .

Of other Latin American leaders, such as Salvador Sánchez president of El Salvador and outgoing president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos also congratulated AMLO.

Moments ago, the American president Donald Trump ] he also sent a message to López Obrador. "I look forward to working with him, there is a lot to do that will benefit the United States and Mexico!", He tweeted.


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