Nintendo Announces Amiibo Based on Wolf of Star Fox


Super Smash Bros Ultimate was announced and he loaded the entire Nintendo conference on his shoulders during his E3 conference. With the game were announced great details, such as the return of all the characters in the series and new inclusions such as Ridley Samus's enemy in Metroid

With these characters who come back to the Super distribution. Ultimate Smash Bros is Wolf O Donnell one of the main enemies of the Star Fox and it turns out that a new amoebo will be produced on the basis of it .

It was confirmed that the amiibo of ] Wolf as well as that of Ridley (Metroid) and Inkling (Splatoon) will be launched in same time as the game, the December 7 of this year . In addition, it has been announced that all Smash friends who are not currently available on the market will be produced again.

According to the director and creator of the game, Masahiro Sakura I, it is very possible that this is the last episode of Smash Bros. because he does not feel able to continue the project. On the other hand, you can use your classic GameCube controller with your Nintendo Switch to play Smash with total comfort.

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