Nintendo evaluates how the successor to the Nintendo 3DS will be


Shuntaro Furukawa, the new president of Nintendo, reveals that in the company are considering many possibilities for the successor to the Nintendo 3DS.

Nintendo Switch is the current "workhorse" of Nintendo . The main goal of the company is to sell more than 20 million consoles only during this fiscal year. But he also does not neglect the Nintendo 3DS and incidentally, his successor possible. This is what appeared in an interview that he made Kyoto Shimbun to the new president of this developer and publisher, Shuntaro Furukawa .

When talking about this console, ] Furukawa commented that "Although it was much longer, the 3DS has some advantages over the Switch, such as the ease of use. purchase and other situations ". After that, he talked about the successor of this laptop. In this sense, he commented that they "envisage several possibilities" . It is not clear how this could happen.

The problem is that the successor of the Nintendo 3DS should not be just a "mini" Nintendo Switch . It would be redundant, and it would only be an alternative model of this hybrid console. The case is not easy. When the NDS was revealed, it became clear that the GBA would be the latest notebook of the Game Boy line. Now, it is very possible that the system that replaces the N3DS is also different.

In addition to commenting on Nintendo 3DS Shuntaro Furukawa pointed out that the hardware and software creation model of Nintendo That will not change in the future. He even dared to say "if we do not continue to publish entertaining products, the home consoles will eventually become obsolete" . It's the need for innovation that keeps the Big N and the industry alive.

It shows that they are looking to expand into the mobile world, to make a profit of 100 billion yen. He considers that it's a big challenge, and that's where creativity comes in. So even though society plans a successor to the Nintendo 3DS it does not despise them. other sectors of the market. What it will take is a bigger team of developers. Thanks to Nintendo Everything for translation.

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