No cases of epidemic in the affected colonies of Morelia: MSU


(Photo: Courtesy)

Morelia, Michoacán (Bulletin) .- Thanks to the permanent epidemiological surveillance as well as the promotion and prevention actions carried out by the Ministry of Health of Michoacán (SSM), in the Morelia colonies affected by the past rains, the presence is abandoned epidemics of infectious diseases, confirmed the head of the unit, Diana Carpio Ríos.

He said that the health staff of the Epidemiology, Coepris, Health Promotion and Vectors areas continue to work intensively in the 38 colonies with more damage than the 43 affected by the climatic phenomenon, the rest being the major intervention. it was not necessary, in order to eliminate epidemics of any disease endangering the health of the population.

He added that up to now, epidemiological surveillance has been carried out in 2,000,492 houses, 400 uninhabited housing units, 703 absent owners and 324 reluctant residents. Two thousand 90 envelopes of Suero Vida Oral were distributed, as well as 2 thousand 673 bottles of albendazole and seven Cary Blair swabs were placed.

Coepris performed 224 residual chlorine determinations, 31 of which were non-standard and 193 were registered; 93.5 kilograms of calcium hypochlorite were applied and 3.5 million liters of water were chlorinated.

In addition, cited Carpio Ríos, visited 9 restaurants, distributed 2 000 279 bottles of colloidal silver trained in food handling and basic sanitation, 8 Moore's pads were planted in search of vibrio cholerae, handed 879 triptychs basic sanitation and adequate food management, visited 942 homes and sanitized 21 schools.

For its part, the vector area has fumigated with 705 liters of insecticide and the application of larvicide in water tanks (430.46 kg) in the colonies: Jacarandas, Industrial, Prados Verdes and Benito Juárez; similarly, it smashed 1,426 houses in the Benito Juarez colony for larval control and blew water from the police and traffic areas to eliminate the presence of larvae.

Health promotion visited a thousand houses, a training on hand washing and warning signs of diarrheal diseases and respiratory tract infections, a cleaning of the yard and how to act Flood cases Three thousand 511 triptychs were distributed, including 982 flood brochures, 912 handwashing brochures and 1,544 home returns.

To attend the medical party, the SSM installed two mobile units, one in the Jacarandas neighborhood and the other in the Isaac Arriaga, where 687 medical consultations were granted. Of these, 64 were due to acute respiratory infections, 27 to diarrheal diseases, two to conjunctivitis, 29 to dermatitis, 18 to hypertension, 22 to diabetes mellitus, seven to headaches, four to one mycosis, one to a low back pain, two to gastritis and an exanthematous syndrome. , three wounded and 505 diagnosed in good health.

They vaccinated 2,833 people, 1,164 biologically tetanus and diphtheria, and 1,669 against influenza.


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