Norberto Rivera asks to clarify the incident


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Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera asked the police authorities of Mexico City to report as soon as possible on everything related to the incident last Sunday when two people entered his home and were shot dead. Gunshot. security, loss of the element Jose Javier Hernández Nava.

The clergyman said that he did not know who had participated in the attack and what were the motives for killing one of his guards.

Secretary of Public Safety Raymundo Collins appeared at the time of the interment of the preventive police, for which he emphasized his work.

The former Archbishop of Mexico met yesterday afternoon at the García López funeral to offer his condolences to the policeman's family. When he left, he acknowledged the efforts of the latter.

"My gratitude for the service provided by Javier, my thanks to those who have trained a real policeman, his father has been a policeman for many years, he has been an example of courage," said Norberto Rivera.

Gelasio Hernandez Trujillo, father of the deceased policeman, acknowledged the work of his son so that he could perform his duties fully and declared that he was not complaining to the authorities and leaders of police, because he and José Javier knew and knew that they were running the risk of wearing the uniform. and comply with what the law prescribes.

"I am very proud of my son, he is a hero, he has always played this way.The recognition that they give him is a sign that my son is a great person.

"I've already given God to my son and believe me, everyone is not fired like that.God thank you and proudly I say it: my son was not, it's a big something that fills me with pride, I've been in the corporation for 25 years, I've never missed and never stolen, you have to be good with God and with yourself so that things are easier, you have to to fire him, "said the father.

The authorities of the capital announced that the relatives of the Secretariat of Public Security who died last Sunday would receive all the necessary support and that they would undertake to provide all the necessary for the children of José Javier so that he would be safe. they can continue their studies without problem.

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