Normalist parents ask SCJN to remain independent


The need for judges, magistrates and ministers to "walk with the truth" was one of three messages sent by the parents of the 43 Ayotzinapa normalistas victims of enforced disappearance, which was addressed to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) so that it remains independent and does not bow to the "interests" of power.

These were among the needs mentioned by the next of kin, 46 months after the disappearance of the students, who had become standardizers this year, at the press conference they organized in the premises Centro Prodh, Mexico City.

"The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation can choose between two ways:, be an accomplice of the interests of the Peña Nieto government, or two, claim their independence and autonomy, which means defend the award made by three magistrates of Reynosa, Tamaulipas ", said Mario Patrón, Rector of the Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez Center for Human Rights, on the creation of a Commission of Truth.

The other two messages were addressed to the government of the present Republic, and will be presided over by the president-elect, Andrés Manuel López Obrador .

They assured that more than 100 appeals were filed by various federal agencies to prevent the investigation from being replenished. Patrón said "that he was shameless, that he has somehow surpassed the bounds of shame and that he embarked on an unprecedented campaign against a court sentence, instead of the efforts Institutional seeking to find the place and He said that "such is the harshness of the institutions that should be the subject of investigation for actions or omissions related to the case." Today 39, they are faced with the decision of the Circuit Court Circuit, Mention was made of the Federal Police, Army and Navy, to which parents Blanca, Joaquina, Melitón, Alfredo and Mario agreed

. which required that it fulfill the commitment to create a Research Commission with international support and support; "

"Fathers and mothers saw the elected president participate in the May campaign in Iguala, and they were expressed the commitment expressed by Andrés Manuel López Obrador at this time. reiterated, both he and his transition team, which is creating a research commission with support and international support, "said El Patrón.


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